OpenGate Artificial Intelligence guide
OpenGate Inference Engine enables the execution of trained Artificial Intelligence models exported in PMML or ONNX formats and provisioned into OpenGate using its REST API (see OpenGate OpenAPI spec for Inference Engine bellow).
Besides that, the Inference Engine supports the provision and execution of pipelines consisting of the chained execution of Python code and AI models. Pipelines can run transformations and algorithms before and after obtaining predictions from AI models.
The following diagram shows the execution of a pipeline where:
- the body of the REST API invocation feeds the
, - then the output of the
feeds the input of
, - then the output of the
feeds the input of theai_model.onnx
, - then the output of the
feeds the input of
. - Finally, the pipeline sends the output of the
to OpenGate in the same way an IoT does.
stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> --> --> ai_model.onnx ai_model.onnx --> --> OpenGate OpenGate --> [*]
By summing up models, transformers, and pipelines, OpenGate solutions can leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence, making and storing predictions using collected data in a streaming way.
How to use the Inference Engine
These are the steps suggested to apply Artificial Intelligence to your OpenGate project:
- Define your data model using OpenGate data models.
- Put your devices to work and send data to OpenGate using any of the available device integration methods.
- Once you have enough data, download it using the OpenGate data points searchAPI.
- Train your AI model using the downloaded data.
- Export your AI model in any supported format: PMML or ONNX.
- Create the transformer python code files needed to feed the model or adapt the resulting predictions.
- Provide all the AI assets for your pipeline: AI model, transformers (or algorithms), and the pipeline itself to run the AI assets in the correct order (see spec below).
- Provision of the OpenGate automation rule to invoke the Inference Engine using the HTTP forwarder action.
After doing all the previous steps, you will be collecting predictions into a data stream already configured in one of your data models.
Underlying technologies
Model exchange formats
The Inference Engine supports two well-known model exchange formats: PMML and ONNX.
Transformers and algorithms
Software Kernel for transformers and custom algorithms brings Python 3.6 (stay tuned, we’ll update it soon) and the most common scientific python packages, including NumPy
, Pandas
, scikit-learn
, SciPy
, and more (see below).
Transformers in a pipeline can use the previous packages to implement custom logic to adapt data formats and algorithms.
Developing transformers
The two main points to take into account developing transformers are:
- A variable named
will always be available in the execution context of the transformer. This variable holds the content of the request body sent to the transformer. - The transformer executor will expect a
variable to hold the transformer’s output.
The following example shows an extremely simple transformer echoing the received body:
X = body
For example, let’s suppose we want to use a trained model to predict future temperatures in celsius. However, our devices are sending temperatures in Fahrenheit. Therefore, the transformer will convert Fahrenheit to Celsius degrees.
X = body
X["temperature"] = ( X["temperature"] - 32 ) / 1.8
Advanced example
The following source code shows a real example of a transformer modifying the input body into the required shape to feed an AI model in the next step of the pipeline.
The example uses pkl_encoder.pkl
and pkl_scaler.pkl
files. These files are serializations of a sklearn
encoder and a sklearn
scaler using the pickle
module. The usage of helper files, like these pickle ones, requires their provision using the transformer REST API (see OpenAPI spec below).
from datetime import datetime
import pickle
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler
X = body
d = X[0].split('/')
y_m_d = (d[2], d[0], d[1])
y_m_d = [int(i) for i in y_m_d]
# Change to 'day of year'
date = datetime(*y_m_d)
doy = date.timetuple().tm_yday
X[0] = doy
tmp = []
for i in X: # Convert str to float
except: # For NaN
X = tmp
# Columns with no data in data set
indexes_2_remove = [6, 7, 15, 16]
for index in sorted(indexes_2_remove, reverse=True):
del X[index]
# Wrap data into 2D array shape
X = [X]
# Encode categorical data
encoder = pickle.load('pkl_encoder.pkl', 'rb'))
X = encoder.transform(X)
# Scale data
scaler = pickle.load('pkl_scaler.pkl', 'rb'))
X = scaler.transform(X)
# Wrap the hole data into AI model input shape
X = {'X': [{'input_8': X.tolist()}]}
At the end of the previous example, the variable X
holds the data precisely in shape required by the AI model in the next pipeline step. Then the inference engine executes the AI model and yields a value in the following shape:
"result" : [
"dense_34" : [ [ 0.51234324 ] ]
The following python code can act as the pipeline’s final step, unwrapping the result and getting a single value. With this value, the OpenGate inference engine pipeline feeds a data stream on a device with the output of the whole operation.
X = body["result"][0]["dense_34"][0][0]
In the previous example X
could hold a value between 0
and 1
, for example 0.5312
Optimizing data download from OpenGate to model training
By security policy, OpenGate limits the size of the download CSV data. API requests can deal with this limit using the page
and size
params in the Accept
header. This is an example of header params usage: Accept: text/plain;page=1;size=1000
In the previous example, the page=1
parameter asks OpenGate for the first available page, and the size=1000
sets the number of rows per page to 1000
. When looping through the pages (page=1
, page=2
, …, page=n
), the API will eventually respond with a 204
code (no content), meaning no more pages available for the filter in the search.
The following diagram shows the sequence to loop through pages to download all available data points per filtered search:
sequenceDiagram Client->>+API: page=1 size=1000 API->>-Client: Status code 200 + data Client->>+API: page=2 size=1000 API->>-Client: Status code 200 + data Client-->>+API: looping pages API-->>-Client: ... Client->>+API: page=n size=1000 API->>-Client: Status code 204 no content (empty body)
Download strategy
Reducing the number of rows per request, in other words, the number of rows per page will ensure downloading all the available data matching with a given filter. A well-balanced configuration of page, size, and the number of requests, improves the data extraction experience. The recommendation from the OpenGate’s development teams is to use a page size lower or equal to 1000
rows (size <= 1000
Example of data downloading in CSV format
The following bash script shows how to use the curl
Linux command to ask OpenGate for data points to download in CSV using a filter written in the data.json
file. Please, pay attention to the highlighted line setting up page
and size
parameter values:
curl --header "Content-type: application/json" \
--header "X-ApiKey: ec2bc474-ab48-49e1-99fb-70b80489a0e5" \
--header "Accept: text/plain;page=2;size=500" \
--data @data.json \
--verbose \
The previous example will download (if data is available) the 500
CSV rows of the page 2
The JSON below shows a filter example to use in the file pointed by curl --data @data.json
The filter:
- selects some specific devices by their identifier,
- selects some data streams of them,
- filter by a specific time window using
operators on theat
"filter": {
"and": [
"in": {
"datapoints.entityIdentifier": [
"in": {
"datapoints.datastreamId": [
"gte": {
"": "2022-05-17T00:00:00.000Z"
"lt": {
"": "2022-05-18T00:00:00.000Z"