Widget for tracking an entity on the map.
How it works
Allows us to select a tracker from the list of configured trackers.
Basic Filter
Searches can be conducted by date.
Widget Menu
The following actions can be performed:
- Open device information: opens the temporary panel corresponding to the selected entity
- Edit: opens the wizard corresponding to the selected entity
- Execute operation: opens the pre-configured operation launcher for the selected entity
- Capture screen: Takes a screenshot of the widget.
- Duplicate widget: Creates a duplicate of the widget on the dashboard.
- Copy widget: Copies the widget to another dashboard.
- Change widget location: Moves the widget to another dashboard.
- Refresh Frequency: allows configuring the data refresh frequency displayed in the list.
- Title: widget title. It can be configured to remain fixed in the widget or only be displayed when it receives focus.
- About: widget description in Markdown format.
- Entity key: entity to be displayed on the map
- Trackers: configuration of each of the data streams from which we retrieve the collected and/or provisioned location information
- alias: modification of the title of the pin’s popup - color: color of the tracker - route simulation: route simulation
Configuration of the area display and management.